
How the xbox works

There is a small computer like system on the inide telling it what to do, Also other things like storage devices and visual things.

To make things like this fun you play online with other people or friends.The xbox lets you play up to four players loacally, and how ever many else depanding on the game you are playing.

The problem It is trying to solve is bordem i guess. It gives you the option to play with friends and familly on one TV, you can even talk to other people around the world while playing online with an xbox.

The Creaters of the Xbox "Microsoft" makes other things Like Pc's and other/more variations of the Xbox, for example Xbox one,Xbox serisX.

This is a video i found telling the good things about the Xbox.

The UI for the Xbox is very straight forward and smooth and easy to learn for new people.But Xbox dose have its flaws Like not being able to run high graphic games depending on the xbox you have such as, older ones.Another thing is paying for Xbox Gold, Gold is a way of playing with online friends such as a membership, depanding on which one you get 1 month, 3 months or a year when the member ship runs out you have to renew it by paying.